Networking 101 For Millennials

Networking 101 For Millennials

Posted by Meaghan Winston Throughout College, I constantly heard the word “Networking” being thrown around- mostly in discussions of the inherent value of creating a vast collection of professionals available at your fingertips. Since graduating, I’ve focused less on procuring a large network of yoprofessionals and have come to realize that it’s a huge mistake. Somewhere between 60-80% of jobs are found through networking. It’s a statistic that’s almost hard to swallow for Millennials who simply don’t have a large network to rely on. For others, the word “duh” comes…

Speed Networking Event

Speed Networking Event

Speed networking (or speed business meeting) is a meeting format designed to accelerate business contacts, generally with a bell. Primarily, the practice involves multiple people that gather in a single space in order to exchange information. Speed networking – scary right? Yes I agree. But it’s certainly good training for thinking on your feet, having fun, and speaking fast! And if by doing it over and over in one evening, you find the balance of not coming across overly humble, or overly salesy, then it’s worth the experience. It’s time…